Monday, January 28, 2008


Equipment Policy

1. Your name must be on an approved list- given by a faculty member who has trained you on equipment.

2. In order to borrow the equipment you need to register online.
Go to : - select *USER REGISTRATION* for first time use.

3. If you are an approved borrower, you will receive an e-mail indicating that you can now use the online reserve form to checkout equipment.

4. NOTE: all equipment must be reserved at least 24 hours before pick-up. You have to plan ahead (a little).

5. When you reserve equipment online:Please be aware that digital cameras and camcorders do not come with cables - you will need to request these separately.

6. After you receive e-mail confirmation that you are approved, log back into . Select *REQUEST EQUIPMENT*.

7. Enter your UNIX login and password.

8. Select equipment needs from list. Specify if you need connection cables and batteries. * REMEMBER no cables come automatically with digital still cameras or camcorders*

9. Enter the date you need the equipment and time you will pick it up.
The cage hours for check out have been the following. I will post any changes here!*
Monday 10:30 - 12:30 // 5:30 - 7:30pm
Tuesday 10:30 - 12:30 //
Wed. 10:30 - 12:30 // 5:30 - 7:30pm
Thurs. 10:30 - 12:30 // 5:30 - 7:30pm
Friday 10:30 - 12:30

10. In order to ensure all equipment requests are available note this policy: ALL EQUIPMENT IS DUE BACK on the due date between 10:00-10:30am.

11. You will receive an e-mail confirmation that your request is processed and the email will list the equipment that is available and any items that are not available for that check-out date.

12. You need to bring this e-mail conformation with you when picking up your equipment!!!!

13. Check-out loan periods: Monday - Wednesday: equipment is due back in 48 hours (remember - your equipment must be returned on the due date in the morning between 10:00 -10:30am.)
Thursday & Friday: equipment is due Monday between 10:00 - 10:30 am.

14. Failure to return equipment on the due date and correct time will result in a fine. The fines are steep ($100 per day) So, plan ahead.

Richard Mylowe
Professional Services Spec.
The College of New Jersey
Department of Art
Holman Hall Rm 335

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Welcome to Art Class

Saturday, January 26, 2008

First Assignment: Photo Alteration

" Photo Alteration: [Film Still Visualization]"
You will use Adobe Photoshop to manipulate and alter photographs. Many artists use the computer to alter the 'reality' of photography and create an image that intrigues and compells. Each of the three artists listed below [Gregory Crewsdon, Jeff Wall, and Cindy Sherman] work with photographic techniques that include staged shots and may include computer manipulation. Study their work and ideas.

You will take three digital photographs of a setting that you create or manipulate in some manner and select one of these to alter in two different ways, using Photoshop's imaging tools. Each alteration should create an obvious and compelling change—this could be in mood, time of day, activity, etc. The two alterations should be quite different from one another and offer a unique view of the same "place/situation". Your original photographs can be interior or exterior shots; they may include people, objects, animals or be land, sea, or sky scapes. You will submit the original photo and the two altered images for the completed project in electronic and printed formats.

Gregory Crewsdon:
Gregory Crewdson at Luhring Augustine Gallery
Guggenheim Collection: Gregory Crewsdon
NPR Interview: Gregory Crewsdon's Photo Alchemy

Jeff Wall:
MOMA Retrospective
MOMA Exhibition List
Tate Exhibition
Conversation with Jeff Wall

Cindy Sherman:
Temple University Archives
Museum of Modern Art Collection
Guggenheim Museum Collections
Cindy Sherman Interview

    1. Create a scene/setup to photograph using a digital camera; use the highest resolution available.
    2. Present three different 'takes' of this scene.
    3. Import one selected photo into Photoshop and using its imaging tools alter the photograph to create a more specific visual statement.
    4. Using Photoshop, create two alterations from the original photo which contrast with each other.
    5. Your images must utilize an 8.5x11 page, though they can be larger.
    6. Print color versions for crit and then place in journal.

    Quality of the creativity of the film still's concept.
    Quality of the development of the digital images from the original photo.
    Quality of the final digital images—their concepts and aesthetics and the evidence of your imaging skills.

Due Dates
    Week 2: Project assigned.
    Week 3: Photographs brought to class and Photoshop imaging work begun.
    Week 4: Project work continued.
    Week 5: Presentation & submission of completed and printed project.

Activate Your Account

• Activate a Color Printing account.
Submit a check or money order (made out to "TCNJ") in amount of $10.00 with your Novell/Unix User ID printed on it to: drop box on door of Richard Mylowe's office: Rm. 335, Holman, 3rd Floor.

You will be automatically credited 5 color prints ($10). For more color printing, you have to fill out a printing form, attach the appropriate amount of $'s, and put in same drop box. Color Laser prints are $2 each, or 2 points.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Materials for class

A Journal (Portfolio) which should include the following over duration of semester:
--your preparatory sketches/concepts for all projects
--color prints of specified projects
--B&W printouts of completed tutorial exercises as specified
--class notes, notes on text readings, research notes on presentations/papers
--notes/questions/reactions as you work with the software on project
--written assignments

Adobe Classroom in a Book Photoshop CS3
Adobe Classroom in a Book Illustrator CS3
Digital Art by Christiane Paul
Shop around.

Also needed is a:
Portable Hard drive

Or a Flash Drive

Get something with at least 2GB on it. If you think you'll go into photography, graphic design, film, or anything you might be using the computer quite a bit for, it might be worth it for you to go ahead and invest in something more like a portable hard drive with over 80GB of space.

Let me know if you need any suggestions or help.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Lee Friedlander