Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Your Book

Should have your name and the date in it somewhere. On the front cover, on the back cover, first page, last page, wherever, just don't forget to put it in there. The date can just be the year or Spring 2008. You also should give credit to whoever wrote the poem that you are using. You can say something like "Words By: So-and-so, Images By: Me!"

Remember NO class next Tuesday. Final Crit is Friday, May 9th, 8:30am.

If you have any work you haven't turned in yet, you must turn it in to me on Friday, May 9th. Last day to turn in work, no exceptions!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


The Final Critique, when your book is due, is Friday, May 9th. The exam will be held from 8:30-10:20 am. Please note, if you look on SOCS it says 7:30am, I changed it to 8:30am! Since I am bumping it up an hour please make sure you arrive on time.

No class Tuesday, May 6th.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Homework 04/15/08

Homework: Gather, think up, start to create initial images for book
Really think about what your poem means to you and what it represents. Try to push your ideas for what kind of imagery to use. You don't have to be so literal but it should make sense.
Illustrator Lessons 8, 14

Next week I'll check all Illustrator Lessons!

Check The Schedule.

Also, please check out the post below (Illustrator Type Help), look at the different links for inspiration on how you can display your text. Rewatch the videos we watched in class.

Illustrator Type Help

Entering Text
Resize Text Area
Text on a Path VIDEO
Move or Flip Text on Path
Working with Area Type
Threading Text between Objects
Appearance Panel (w/Type) VIDEO

Other videos that might come in handy:
Brushes VIDEO
Export your work VIDEO
Save for web VIDEO

Monday, April 7, 2008

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Homework Due 04/08/08

Finish Critiquing classmates' images of Project 2 on blog by Friday.
Post poem for final project on blog.
Think of design/concept.
Do Illustrator Lesson 7.

Next week:
Finish Collaborative Presentations (if projector is working)
Lecture about artists books/typography/combining text with images/using text in Illustrator.

The Final Project using Illustrator & Photoshop:
“Book: Poem Visualization"

We'll be looking at different forms of the "artist's book". This will include older and contemporary works that show a range of interpretation and different possibilities to explore. Consider these concepts as a point of departure. The completed project will be a book (either handmade or digitally presented) which is based on a poem of your choice. You'll consider the use of typography and text as critical visual components and create visual imagery which enhances and interprets the poem and the presentation of the poem. The concept and design of the book (it's form and structure) should directly relate to your 'interpretation' of the poem. This does not have to be in a traditional book format. You should think 'outside the "book"'!

Guidelines: incorporate both Illustrator or Photoshop.
have at least 8 images (including front and back covers).

Click here to see an artist book by Ruth Laxson. Great use of type as an expressive element.

Blog Critique

Due to the PPhaser phasing out once again, along with the projector, we are going to critique solely via blog. Make sure your images are posted on your blog. You must visit every classmates' blog and post a meaningful, thoughtful comment about their images for Project #2.

You have until Friday to make all your comments.