Monday, February 25, 2008

Collaborative Presentation

Collaborative Presentation Project


A collaborative project in which two (to three) people will conceive of a curated exhibit which describes and provides information about two (or more) artists whose work is relevant to the discussions in our textbook: "Digital Art", by Christiane Paul.

The two artists must be working in different media and/or using digital media in different manners and could be, but not necessarily, working at different points of time. For example: Nancy Burson (Digital Imaging-Photography and Print) and Grahme Weinbren (interactive-narrative video).

The artists should be selected based on a thoughtful comparison of similarity and difference. The similar and different elements can be visual, aesthetic, contextual, conceptual, technical. Much as you studied the work of Frida Khalo and Cindy Sherman to develop a thoughtful paper which compared and contrasted their media, concepts, imagery, etc. you should research the text and online sources for two 'digital' artists whose work could offer a similar challenge in comparative dialogue. You should research artists outside of our text book extending your investigation of digital art.

Based on your readings and research, you should select artists who meet the standards/concepts described above. You will need to prepare an oral presentation with visuals of approximately 10-15 minutes using a presentation program (such as PowerPoint) as well as a paper* describing your concept/theme. You should create a 'title' for your 'exhibit' which relates to its theme. You should present examples of the artists' work which help to explain the theme.

Project Requirements
1. Research beyond the Digital Art Textbook
2. Meaningful and compelling choice of artists; your choice of artists to compare should not be one made by Christiane Paul in the Text
3. Prepare oral presentation with visuals in PowerPoint of approx. 15 minutes
4. Presentation should include:
  • A title relevant to your theme
  • A paragraph stating basic theme/rationale for choices
  • Visual examples which clarify your theme
  • Research Sources
  • *5. Approximately 500 word paper which describes why you chose your artists, the educational value of your 'exhibit', which artist's works are in the exhibit, how the work of the collaboration was divided (who did what), and a list of resources (bibliography).

    Project Assessment/Criteria

    The quality of the comparison and artist choice.
    The development of the overall theme or concept of the exhibit.
    The rational for the theme and the artists.
    The presentation: information, visuals.

    Due Date
    Due on the 9th week of semester (March 25).

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